Educational Therapy Services

  • What is bloom's Educational Therapy for educators (BETE)?

    Like Educational Therapy for students, BETE is a combination of research based leadership and professional development actions as foundational and transformative steps that lead to equitable and sustainable organizational results. This holistic approach to professional development and empowerment also takes into consideration the social, emotional, ethical and academic perspective of the educator during this development.

    We know that transformation is much more than changing direction. Utilizing a combination of educational, therapeutic (wellness), artistic and sustaining practices, BETE encourages educators to explore their development and learning through a variety of research based frameworks and deep reflection through practices such as windows and mirrors.

  • Wholistic Design

    Working with leaders to strenghten there ability to examine, reflect, design and implement for liberatory, equitable & sustaining spaces.

    Liberatory: Design: Create designs that help interrupt inequity and increase opportunity for those most impacted by oppression. (NEP;

    Culturally Responsive & Sustiaining Education: A way of seeing diversity as a source of knowledge. (NYSED)

    Lotus Leadership: Leadership mindsets and moves for creating transformative and sustaining environments. Utilizing Bloom’s restorative and social justice frameworks that support a shift from traditional bureaucratic models to wholistic approaches that encourage reflection, criticality, and spatial literacy.

  • Family/Community Engagement

learning & growing differently


  • Individual Leadership/Team Coaching

  • Short Term Sessions

    Short series of sessions for 6th grade to College Aged students who are or have struggled with organization, motivation, stress and confidence. These students need a boost to get their school year started off right. 6 sessions of coaching that will integrate personalized mindfulness strategies, routines and other academic practices to help begin the school year successfully. This 6 week series is 1:1 or small group.

    Ready, Set, Go!

    Academic Coaching

  • Current Workshops

    Designing w/Trauma Informed Practices

    This workshop is designed for those whose practice regularly has them engaging with traumatized and often marginalized communities. It will provide a foundational understanding of trauma, executive functioning, social emotional learning and how this understanding can help your organization create a culture and design institutional practices that are built on an understanding and planning for trauma vs simply responding after the fact.


    Mindshift & Practical Support Strategies

    This workshop series can be whole day or extended into 4-8 sessions. Providing Instructional Assistants/Paraprofessionals with a general understanding of your district’s instructional focus (literacy, culture, etc) as well as strategies and actions to support students to meet district and IEP goals, building student capacity and managing small groups.